​​​​​​​​​​​Alabama Veterans Memorial Foundation
The Alabama Veterans Memorial Park
Donate Today! The Alabama Veterans Memorial Foundation is a nonprofit organization. We depend on the support of organizations and individuals like you. Below are a few ways that you can help the Memorial Park. Any contribution that you make, large or small, makes a big difference!
Use Smile.Amazon.com whenever you shop on Amazon and Amazon can make a small donation to AVMF each time you buy.
Here's How it works..

We believe that every veteran deserves a tangible way of being publicly recognized for his or her service. Our StepStone campaign offers all who served our country a special place of remembrance at the Alabama Veterans Memorial Park. Each StepStone is a four by eight inch paver engraved with the honored veteran’s name, rank, and branch of service. These StepStones are permanently installed twice a year beneath the 132 foot high American Flag in the American Flag Plaza at the end of the Memorial Trail. Click Here to see the list of currently installed StepStones.
The Alabama Veterans Memorial Foundation hosts two StepStone Ceremonies yearly (the Sunday before Memorial Day and the Sunday before Veterans Day) to dedicate the pavers to the honored veterans and also to give family, friends, and colleagues an opportunity to say a few words about the honored veteran’s service to our country.
StepStone veterans may be from any state, any time, and any branch of service. The only requirement is that they have served our country. Veterans groups may also purchase a StepStone to honor their group.
For the purchase of a StepStone your tax-deductible $100 may be mailed to the address below. Please print the StepStone Order Form (click below) and either mail or email the completed form. You will receive an acknowledgement letter for tax purposes and an invitation to the next StepStone Ceremony.
Contact us today: 205-591-6925 or avstepstone@gmail.com
StepStone - AVMF
P.O. Box 59343
Birmingham, AL 35259
Click here to see the list of currently installed StepStones...

Identifying Courage
Stories of Alabama Veterans
Tucked away in the closets and attics amidst withered scrapbooks and newspaper clippings are stories of men and women who were called upon to fight for their country and they answered. At the Alabama Veterans Memorial, we don't think those who fought, whether it be WWI or the Global War on Terrorism, should ever be forgotten.
Our book, entitled Identifying Courage, is a compilation of stories designed to identify the courage of people all around us, both living and dead, who fought for the freedom of their country. The book includes detailed accounts of ordinary people who were asked to do something extraordinary. The stories chronicle heroism in every conflict of the 20th Century and include actual family photos and recollections from family members and veterans alike.
Click Here for the Order Form (PDF)

Identifying Courage Alabama Veterans Film Documentary
"Identifying Courage" is an inspiring film documentary honoring Alabama's military veterans. This 25-minute program is now available on DVD. "Identifying Courage" brings to life the memory of those who served, who fought and who died in defense of freedom. Veterans and their loved ones will be captivated by the personal stories shared by friends and family members of Alabama veterans. Proceeds from your purchase of this intimate documentary benefit the Alabama Veterans Memorial Foundation.
For more information, contact the AVMF at 205-305-6749
Click Here for the Order Form (PDF)
Single Donation

The Alabama Veterans Memorial Foundation, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) public charity that maintains the Alabama Veterans Memorial Park. Both the Foundation and the Park operate with an all-volunteer staff and no paid employees; however, maintaining the park can be expensive and time-consuming. Therefore, each donation makes a real difference. Help the Foundation to continue to maintain the park to honor our Alabama Veterans by donating to Alabama Veterans Memorial Foundation via check, or cash. l. We depend on your support!
Donate Now
Check and money order donations should be made payable to: Alabama Veterans Memorial Foundation.
Checks or money orders can be mailed to:
Alabama Veterans Memorial Foundation​
PO Box 59343
Birmingham, AL 35259​
All donations are tax deductible under IRS code 501(c)(3) public charity. Donor acknowledgment letters are available upon request