​​​​​​​​​​​Alabama Veterans Memorial Foundation
The Alabama Veterans Memorial Park
Lesson 8D:
Look For the Helpers
A Social Studies Lesson Plan Developed for
Upper Elementary (4-6) and Middle School (7-8)
Chromebooks or another computer
Pens or pencils in four different colors
To be printed for distribution to Students:
First Responders Graphic Organizer – one per student
Little Chapel Graphic Organizer – one per student
Etowah County First Responders Handout – one per group
Links for use in Lesson Plan presentation:
Mr. Rogers “Look for the Helpers” video clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LGHtc_D328
WVTM Channel 13 - Phil Brassaele story: https://www.wvtm13.com/article/local-volunteer-remembers-9-11/37551025#
WBRC -https://www.wbrc.com/2021/09/09/alabama-911-responders-share-message-about-world-trade-center-health-program/
The Little Chapel that Stood, A. B. Curtiss, YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nQIB6SGZek
The Story of Saint Paul’s Chapel: A 9/11 Sanctuary - https://911groundzero.com/blog/5-facts-about-st-pauls-chapel/
9/11, The Chapel that Stood | Trinity Church Wall Street St. Paul’s Chapel - https://trinitywallstreet.org/visit/st-pauls-chapel/911
Teacher Information: