​​​​​​​​​​​Alabama Veterans Memorial Foundation
The Alabama Veterans Memorial Park

(Teacher's Links)
Learning about the 20th century wars is not only critical for students in the Alabama, it also has the potential to engage all kinds of learners in a variety of ways. Through essays and articles, engaging web-based activities, and primary source documents such as photos, letters, diaries, and literature, students of all ages that explore the websites we have compiled, will gain a balanced perspective of Alabama Veterans. They can walk in the shoes of a WWI solider, or make strategic decisions as General MacArthur. They will learn about popular music of the day, about life on the home front through the love letters of its soldiers, the significance of paper money, or the role of women during the War time.
Teachers will also find lesson plans and resource to help guide the exploration of students. The Internet is full of fascinating and accessible resources about Alabama Veterans Impact during war time–this list is just the tip of the iceberg!
The Alabama Veterans Memorial Foundation offers classroom materials and professional development to help teachers effectively use primary sources for information on wars from the 20th Century to present day.
Lesson Plans:
Overview: Students will create a journal describing in detail how entry of the United States into War World I and the mobilization for war impacted the USA. Students will research the First World War, the experiences of Soldiers, and changes on the home front.
Overview: Using a timeline of major events of World War II and other events at the state, national, and international level students will assess the social costs of World War II.
Overview: Students will assume the role of geographer who are charged with presenting a brief about the importance of geography in military operations and the skills that soldiers need to have to be effective in those operations. (understanding the physical environment, mapping, etc)
Overview: Student learn the impact war had on the human population, as well as the geographic impact.
Time Line PDFs:
History Time Line 1900-1909 History Time Line 1910-1919 History Time Line 1920-1929
History Time Line 1930-1939 History Time Line 1940-1949
Find Alabama Veterans Memorial Foundation’s lesson plans and more that meet Common Core standards, state content standards, and the standards of national organizations.