​​​​​​​​​​​Alabama Veterans Memorial Foundation
The Alabama Veterans Memorial Park

Lesson 7A:
Persian Gulf War -- Geography and Vocabulary
A Social Studies Lesson Plan Developed for
Upper Elementary Students (Grades 4-6)
Blank pieces of white paper – enough for every two students to have one piece to use when illustrating the pictoword in the Lesson Plan Detail Preview
To be printed for distribution to Students:
Vocabulary Activity Word Strips - print 1-2 copies depending on class size. There are 6 word strips on this page. The page needs to be cut into the strips prior to the lesson. Each group of 4 students will be given one word strip to use for making pictowords.
Doodle Notes Challenge Strips - These need to be cut and like questions put in stacks for students to get and share during this part of the lesson. Every group needs every question. So, 15 copies would be enough for a class of 30 students.
Links for use in Lesson Plan presentation:
Teacher Information: