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100 Overton Access Rd (I-459 Exit 23)

               Birmingham, AL 35243           

(205) 305-6749

Past Event:

Patriotic Tribute, Sunday, November 4, 2018,
Alabama Veterans Memorial Park


November 4, 2018

The Blue Star Salute Foundation’s exhibit, “Faces of the Price of Freedom”

Volunteer golf cart drivers wait for guests to arrive

Volunteers making a final clean-up before the event

: Patriotic music presented by the Bob Moore Band before the Ceremony

Tom Martin being interviewed by Channel 13 TV News

The shuttle buses were provided by Saint Mark United Methodist Church

Presentation of the Colors by Hoover FD; National Anthem sung by Silver Lining, Spain Park High School’s A Capella group

Keynote Speaker, Major General David Burford, US Army (RET)

Board members, Tom Martin (President) and Fred Bisch (MC)

: Board member, Ernie Hester, handles the sound production for the event.

Board members, Donna Tyner and Della Fancher talk with Major General Burford.

Donna Martin and Ann Hastings have helped with the events for five years.

People of all ages came to honor their veteran at the StepStone Ceremony

Family members spoke to honor their veteran.

Tom Martin presented certificates and flags to each honoree or family member.

Granddaughter delivers the dedication to her veteran-grandfather.

Family member receives a certificate and flag from Tom Martin.

Mack Wilson speaks to honor his father who fought in WWII and grandfather who fought in WWl.

Bugler, Paul Zimmerman with Bugles Across America ends the program with TAPS

Honorees and family members are escorted to the American Flag Plaza to view the StepStones.

StepStone honoring Zachary Ricker who is currently serving our country

Thanks to Scout Troop 212 from Hayden, Alabama, for helping on the workday to get the Park ready for the November 4th event. Pictured are Scouts Cale Collins, Owen Collins, Jon Sartain and Jaeden Lowe and adults Lenore Collins, Tim Sartain, Kip Brannon, and Jason Lowe.

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