​​​​​​​​​​​Alabama Veterans Memorial Foundation
The Alabama Veterans Memorial Park
The Yes, We Remember Campaign
The Yes, We Remember campaign initiated by AVMF, is asking Corporate Sponsors to support and honor the Alabamians who paid the ultimate price for freedom. Your sponsorship will be used for general operations, needed maintenance and improvements of the parks grounds. Over 10,000 people annually visit the Memorial Park. Our goal is to continue to educate all ages and your support will enable us to continue to do so.
We are asking all Corporations along with individuals to honor over 11,000 Alabama deceased war veterans whose names are currently engraved on the Walls of Remembrance inside the Hall of Honor. See Below the different levels that your company can participate in. Many businesses and our community leaders are on board as well as everyday volunteers. Our community is clearly excited and eager to see this project succeed.
I would like to thank you for considering this opportunity to partner with our organization for raising funds. If you have any queries regarding our organization, our fund management policy, or the project itself, please feel free to contact us at info@alabamaveterans.org
Platinum Level $10,000 100 Veterans Honored
Gold Level $5,000 50 Veterans Honored
Silver Level $2,500 25 Veterans Honored
Bronze Level $1,500 15 Veterans Honored